Rainday & Rainfall Forecast

Accurate Precipitation Predictions for Better Planning

Get real-time rainfall data and accurate rainday forecasts for any location. Make informed decisions with our detailed precipitation measurements and probability predictions.

Popular Cities with Significant Rainfall:

About Our Rainday Forecast Tool

Our advanced rainday and rainfall prediction tool combines real-time weather data with sophisticated forecasting models to provide you with the most accurate precipitation forecasts. Whether you're planning outdoor activities or need to monitor rainfall patterns, our tool delivers precise measurements and reliable predictions.

Rainfall Forecast Accuracy
in precipitation predictions
Real-time Updates
rainfall data monitoring
Daily Forecast Requests
checking rainfall forecasts
worldwide coverage
Live Updates

Real-time Rainfall Tracking

Monitor current precipitation levels and rainfall intensity with minute-by-minute updates


Hourly Rainday Forecasts

Get detailed hour-by-hour precipitation predictions and rain probability forecasts


3-Day Rainfall Outlook

Plan ahead with our extended rainfall forecast showing precipitation trends and patterns


Precipitation Alerts

Receive notifications about upcoming raindays and significant rainfall events

How to Use Our Rainfall Prediction Tool

Get started with our rainday forecast tool in just a few simple steps


Enter Location

Type in your city name or zip code to get local rainfall predictions


View Current Conditions

See real-time precipitation levels and ongoing rainfall activity


Check Hourly Forecast

Review hour-by-hour rainfall predictions and precipitation chances


Plan Ahead

Use our 3-day rainfall outlook to plan your outdoor activities


Share with Others

Share accurate rainfall forecasts with family and friends to help them plan their activities


Frequently Asked Questions About Rainday Forecasts


How accurate are your rainday predictions?

Our rainfall forecasts are highly accurate, with a 95% success rate in predicting precipitation events within a 24-hour window. We combine multiple weather models with real-time data to ensure reliable rainday predictions.


What does the rainfall probability percentage mean?

The rainfall probability percentage indicates the likelihood of measurable precipitation (0.01 inch or more) occurring during a specific time period. For example, a 70% chance of rainfall means there's a high probability of precipitation in your area.


How often are your rainfall forecasts updated?

Our rainday forecasts are updated every hour with the latest precipitation data and weather patterns. This ensures you always have access to the most current rainfall predictions and weather information.


Can I get notifications for upcoming raindays?

Yes, you can set up alerts for predicted rainfall events. Our tool can notify you about upcoming precipitation, helping you plan outdoor activities and prepare for wet weather conditions.


How detailed is your hourly rainfall forecast?

Our hourly rainfall predictions provide detailed information about precipitation intensity, accumulation, and probability. You can view expected rainfall amounts and timing for each hour of the day.


What's the difference between light and heavy rainfall in your forecast?

In our rainfall measurements, light rain is typically less than 0.10 inches per hour, moderate rain is between 0.10 to 0.30 inches per hour, and heavy rainfall is more than 0.30 inches per hour.


How far in advance can your tool predict raindays?

Our tool provides detailed rainfall predictions for the next 72 hours, with hourly precipitation forecasts for the first 48 hours and broader rainfall trends for the third day.


Does your rainfall forecast account for different types of precipitation?

Yes, our rainday forecast distinguishes between different types of precipitation, including rain, drizzle, and mixed precipitation, helping you better understand what kind of weather to expect.


How do you calculate total daily rainfall predictions?

Our daily rainfall totals are calculated by combining hourly precipitation forecasts, taking into account both predicted rainfall intensity and duration throughout the day.


Can I view historical rainfall data for my location?

Yes, our tool includes access to historical precipitation data, allowing you to compare current rainfall predictions with past weather patterns and average rainfall amounts for your area.
